Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Social Networking Sites

There are many social networking sites now available; Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and Blogger.com. Each is similar to the others, some more, and each has their differences. Take Facebook and MySpace. Both have a very similar mission and format. They both are sites that allow others to communicate with one another by allowing users to create personal profile pages. These pages include pictures, interests, hobbies, education and the like. What also makes these sites similar is how users interact with each other. Users go to other users' pages and post comments; these comments can be positive, negative, funny, upsetting, encouraging, discouraging, etc... As well, with both of these websites, posting pictures is the key to creating a desirable profile. Many users post many pictures of themselves and with others. It's really a way for friends to bond, keep in touch and for potential boyfriends/girlfriends to get a sneak peak for what they might be getting themselves into. Now, as for the other two sites, Twitter and Blogger.com. They have their similarities in respect to Facebook and Myspace. Like the latter two sites, the former two allow users to post comments about whatever it is on their mind and lets other users comment. However, the former two sites have their differences. Twitter and Blogger.com do allow users to upload a picture of themselves, however, there is limited amount one is able to upload. As opposed to Facebook and Myspace which allows users to post as many pictures as they desire.  One thing all of these sites have in common is the ability to make your profile/page private. This enables users to filter who is allowed to view and comment.

Aesthetically, these sites vary greatly. In my opinion Facebook blows MySpace out of the water. Facebook has a neat, well organized look/feel to it. While Myspace allows its users to completely customize their profiles, it creates a cheesy and unprofessional look to it. Twitter has a clean and simple page like Facebook and is easy to navigate. As for blogger.com, it is too an aesthetically pleasing website.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your comparison between Facebook and MySpace. I have been a user of both networks and even after using MySpace for almost a year, I was not able to figure out where and how everything worked. This was several years ago when MySpace was popular, since then I have been on Facebook and everything is easy to get to, even after they update their user interfaces that everyone complains about. Though it may seem confusing at first, but after half an hour of using it, you just... get used to it.
