Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blog about Twitter

There are many different ways for individuals, classes, organizations to interact with each other and have discussions these days. The ways are: Social Networking Website, in-person, and for our sakes, Blackboard. How do these styles of interaction affect a discussion?

  • comments are confined to 140 characters
    • = limited amount one can say per tweet
  • unless made otherwise, a Tweet is made public
    • if not intentional can be frustrating if privacy is wanted
  • organizes individuals involved
    • easy to see who is following and participating
  • no face-to-face time
    • lack of relationship building with others

In-Class Discussion:
  • face-to-face with professor and others
  • easier for everyone to participate in a timely manner
    • everyone is in the same space and is involved in the discussion at the same time
  • no outside distraction
  • allows for replys from others
    • but less likely someone will disagree with you when face to face rather then on a computer in their own home
  • organizes posts and comments in a orderly fashion
    • makes it easy to locate ones post and view comments
  • no picture/face is seen in posts/comments
    • unfamiliar with those posting comments and those making posts

1 comment:

  1. Good call on using bullet points, it made it very easy to follow all of the differences and similarities. Although each medium has its pros and cons, I believe the best solution that a teacher can use is to use a combination of all three different discussion platforms. This way you get the best of all three.
