Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Next New Thing

I think a cool new type of new media would be a website that connects all brick and mortar stores with each other and the consumer. The site will show the destination of the stores in comparison to each other, the goods they have in stock, and the price they charge. This will allow for competitive pricing between the stores and will give the consumer the ability to limit time searching for the right product at the right price. Of course, you can connect it with facebook and twitter, allowing businesses and consumers to share their newest goods or best deals and for consumers to share what theyve just purchased.


  1. That sounds pretty cool. It makes me think of ebay but with many stores competing for a consumers business.

  2. This will be a great service. I often have to compare prices and also weigh the value to pick up at a traditional store rather than waiting for the item to arrive by mail. This will help.

  3. New media hasn't really focused on the idea of shopping online and connecting to social networks. This may be the next big step that new media takes to really be integrated in our everyday lives.
